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Beer Coasters – your bar and tabletop protector! Not only can drink coasters be used to prevent the dreaded wet ring on your table/bar, but there are many other great ideas that we would like to share with you. Think of your personalized custom beer coaster as a mini-billboard or advertising space and use this space to the fullest. You have both the front and back!

Here are just a few ideas:

Tradeshow giveaway promotional coasters

Ideally you want to give your potential customer(s) a way to contact you or find you at your trade booth. Create your custom drink coaster artwork with your booth and contact information and hang them out at the show! (Don’t forget to include your website address to help increase traffic to your website!)

Contests/Event Marketing Drink Coasters 

Instead of handing out business cards or flyers (like everyone else does) to announce your event or contest – create your custom drink coaster with your message and give out your coasters. Be original! Visit your local watering hole – I’m sure the establishment would appreciate your promotional coasters – where their patrons would see your message and possibly attend your event!

Add more intrigue and have a contest using your custom drink coasters as a ballot! This would be a sure way to capture your audiences’ attention and increase your turnout at the event.

Custom shape coasters

The traditional beer coaster shape would be a circle or a square – but why not create your own custom coaster such as the shape of your company logo! We have the capabilities to print and die cut your custom coasters into your own shape. Your company logo may be a very eye catching shape – create your own custom shape coasters taking advantage by increasing your brand awareness!

Scratch'n Win Beer Coasters – Have a contest with a few giveaway prizes by creating your own custom coasters with a scratch n win area on one side. Be the first to do this in your area!

Scented Coasters – We have access to a fragrance library and we can apply scent to your own custom coasters. Imagine your own custom designed coaster – that is also scented! How awesome would that be!

These are just a few ideas that may help you get your creative juices flowing…

Contact us with your idea(s) for your own custom coaster right away! :)

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