In this time of Tariff uncertainty, we want to assure all of our US and Canadian customers that any imposed Tariffs will be absorbed by Coaster Factory
All prices are inclusive of Tariffs. Thank you to all of our valued customers.
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Welcome Scrapbookers!

Yes, we sell Blank Coasters of different shapes, sizes and thicknesses.
We have round and square shapes in standard 3.5" or 4" sizes!

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Have lots of fun with blank coasters in your scrapbooking projects!

  • Cut them out to make custom scrapbook photo frames for your smaller pictures.
  • Assemble some together with glue, stickers, sparkles and beads to make mini castles and houses.
  • Draw on or color them decoratively however you like for the ultimate personal touch!
  • Punch holes along one edge and Use ribbons or colored string to tie them together and make mini-scrapbooks!
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Our standard package is 2500, 4" square coasters for $75.00 plus shipping.
Other shapes and sizes are available upon request, so don't hesitate to ask!

Shapes Sizes Coasters